Friday 30 January 2009

Production Phase 1

This lesson we began filming our thriller film. The first location for filming was an office located on the college premise. It was necessary that I did the majority of the filming as both of my group members were required to take acting roles.

I made a conscious effort to do multiple angle shots so that when editing my group and I would have an array of shots to choose from.

One problem that my group and I encountered was during break time, as existing students at the college kept walking into a shot that we had finally been able to perfect.Another difficulty I faced was filming shots in and around the lift. This was problematic as from some angles were difficult to film from.

In addition to this filming inside of the lift was hard, as the doors would shut every now and again.Despite this, my colleagues and I were able to complete all filming for our thriller within our pre scheduled three-hour lesson.

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