Friday 23 January 2009

Pre Production Phase 1 (Pitch)

At the beginning of the lesson, all groups were given the opportunity to organise the pitches that we had to produce before being given the 'ok' to execute our ideas.

Primarily my group and I decided that the theme for our thriller would be revenge. The storyline behind this theme was about a boy that used to be bullied when he was at school. The ex-victim would then see the boy that had previously bullied him on 'Induction Day' at college. We would then show the ex-victim being bullied at school through the use of flashbacks at various intervals in the film. Eventually the ex-victim would feel the desire to get revenge on the bully.

Two out of the three teachers we pitched our idea to thought it was a good concept. However, one of the teachers did not think it was that plausible, when taking into consideration the amount of time provided to complete the thriller and the duration of the thriller.

Having seen the rest of the classes pitches and with the criticisms we received, through conferring with my colleagues it became evident that we may have been somewhat over ambitious, as it may not be possible to fit this information into the space of two minutes in a clear and concise way.For the rest of the lesson we brainstormed ideas on how we could improve our initial idea and various camera angles and techniques.

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