Tuesday 27 January 2009

Pre Production Phase 2 (Storyboarding)

We changed our idea slightly this lesson. We decided to evolve our thriller around an interview situation. An interviewee is in waiting room where he is seen acting nervously and agitated whilst waiting to be called. We decided that we would portray this by filming behaviours associated with nervousness, e.g. perspiration on his brow, sipping water, tapping foot etc.

Then the door to the room is opened by another man, this man turns out to be someone that bullied him when he was at school. There is going to be a close up of the interviewee's face as he has seen the ex-bully.

After which there is a montage of flashbacks of the interviewee being bullied when he was at school.

The interviewee hastily exits the room, followed by the ex-bully at some distance. Interviewee anxiously waits for a lift, he gets inside and as the doors are just about to shut the ex-bully manages to stop them form doing so.

This concept was approved by our teacher, so my colleagues and I were able to storyboard our idea. After storyboarding, we left a sufficient amount of time to
discuss props, casting, and attire and production schedule.

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