Wednesday 4 February 2009

Friday lesson

We had started filming our thriller which was ann exiting and difficult process. We were able to put all the things we practiced into the real film. We used many filming techniques such as zooming, 180 degree rule also match cut and many more, we were unable to finsh the filming in this lesson but we were going to finsh in the lesson on tuesday yert the weather had disabled our plans. However we only have one scene left which is the flashback of the person, which is essential in order for our thriller to make sense. Moreover our stroyboard gave us a major boost in filming the thriller as it helped us know which scenes we had to film and as it was with photoraph of the scenes instead of drawing this enabled us to understand who was who and where it was going to be filmed. Moreover as we had to change our idea many times because our first idea lack imagination as it was about a stalker, and the other idea was good yet it did not seem that we would enjoy making it, yet our last idea is simploe yet effective, as it has never been done. we hope to finish our thriller filming on fridays lesson and start editing.

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