Wednesday 14 January 2009

Thrillers 1

This lesson we began by watching a documentary about opening sequences. Following this, the class was provided with a short question and answer activity based on the documentary, after completion we then discussed.
Next, we were able to preview some As Thrillers produced last year. As a class we discussed each of the featured thrillers by saying what we thought to be a good and bad examples if work, we also discussed the technical elements we were able to identify.

One thriller I thought to be particularly effective was of one man taking a brief case to a lift with a bomb in it.
I thought that the students had chosen a good location, Canary Wharf. This showed good planning.

I also like the way the students had made use of the resources the college has to offer, for example using the college lift. I think this also shows good editing, as they were able to incorporate footage taken from two different locations and edit them effectively. This also showed good continuity.

Lastly, I thought the camera work was excellent; I liked the students’ use of varied camera shots. The panning up buildings and the use of close ups.
By watching As Thrillers from last year, I have been able to think about potential locations and camera shots I would like to include in my own thriller.

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