Sunday 4 January 2009

2nd Task In The Last Lesson Before X-MAS

In my thriller, I want to create confusion and a little mystery. I think this would be a good way of getting the audience on their seats and think about what’s going on.The natural lighting that is used is one of the many things that caught my attention and one of the things I liked. It also represents a sense of calm in the city, but the audience do not know that the complete opposite happens after the sun sets.

1 comment:

@ Candi Media said...

Good series of entries Chris. You will have an excellent production diary if you keep this up, though try and think a little more analytically - you say in the entry above you'd like to create a sense of mystery - well, how would you do this? What sort of shots would you use? Be specific about your use of technical elements.

Good work, keep it up!
