Sunday 22 March 2009

Watching our thriller in the VUE cinema

Thsi was a chance for the whole of the as media students and teachers to compare and give their opinion on other people thrillers. As our group were near the end this gave us time to watch all of the thrillers and essential compare their auidence reactions with ours, their was 45 thrillers in total, which ment that we would be there for more than an hour, also each thriller lasted 2 miuntes.

at the start the auidence were exited so the first few thriller had got good good reactions however as time went on the thrillers tended to be the same, for example a stalker, kidnapper or killer, yet when our one came on the change of scenario gave the auidece a shock, when the flashback scene came on people reaction from confusion to shock, and when the thriller finished the auidence had gave a nice appaulase. Moreover this oppertunity to see our thriller on a big screengave our work a sense of achievement knowing that not only did you created yet starred in your thriller and for poeple to see you on a cinema screen gave not only our group but i feel for the whole of the as media students a sense of self achievment and confidence to know that what you have created could be interpreted in other ways by other people. For example our thriller could be jusgt a basic thriller to one member of the auidence yet to another a frsh new idea.

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