Tuesday 10 March 2009


We had one lesson before our dealine so this gave us roughly 3 hours to do our sound and titles. The sound is one of the most important factors in any film, the reason for this is because it portrays the way the film is flowing e.g in a thriller we needed a up tempo constant noise to portray the tension in the film.

We had a constant noise which included drum and heartbeat noise because we wanted the auidence to understand the tension and anxiety in waiting for a job interview, moreover when the flashback enters the scene a rumble of noises collabrates, we did this by putting songs on top of each other. We used these rumbles of sounds to create a shock sensation for the auidece. The sound was a long and grueling process because we had so many sounds to choose from, first we had a basic beating sound which we felt was boring, and at one point where going to put the sound of a playground or laughing when the flashback scene came yet they were either too over the top and not authentic so we passed on them. So we were left with a coupl of sounds yet when we found out our base sound the constant sound, then we were able to develope sounds on top of that to make a colarche of sounds.

Furthermore we all had a few sounds we liked that we felt could benfit our thriller, yet the drum sound and the heartbeat is one we all agreed on, becasue the constant druming giives the effect of waiting and bordem at the start this is shown through the constant way Chris taps his foot, drinks his water etc. The heartbeat portrays is fear and anxiety of waiting and not getting the Job.

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