Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Title

The title is also as important as the sound, because this also describes the film in one way. So we needed to choose one that reflects our Thriller but also appeals to the auidence, yet as we had to finish the sound we didnt have alot of time to choose the right title for our thriller.

Our first title choice was The Comback, yet this title felt a bit common so we decided it would not portray our thiller. The next one was The Return even though this explain our thriller by me returning to see the person i once bullied, it felt too simplictic, we wanted something that explained our thriller but also made our thriller shine when we introduced it. As this was the thing that our auidence would see at the end. The name we thought next was The Reuion this had an appeal to it, for example it portayed that we would reunite and also it has a misty scare to it. The Reuion has a creative edge to it compared with The Comback.

We chose The Reuion becasue we all agreed that it gives the film a nervous approach, Just like what the film is about.

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