Sunday 1 March 2009

Credits and Sound and Title

when we came into our final lesson we roughly had a 3 hour deadline so we didnt panic and put anything together we took our time and done it carefully and with alot of thought.
we started doing our credits, we had a veriety of things to consider like: camera, lighting, screen play, sound etc...

a little while after this process we started to put sound to our thriller to make it that bit better, to give it that extra umph.
we firstly started to listen to everything that we had the choice of choosing from in every different cattagory.
once we listened to everything we all took notes on which we liked as we was going through the sounds, we also had to keep in our minds that this is a thriller so it would be very unlikely to have any upbeat sounds or fast beats.
once we had done all this we listen to the ones picked by all 3 of us and decided on the best ones for this piece.
there were various sounds/beats we liked so we added them all together and see how it sounds which actually turned out very good, so we decided to go with this.

finally we had to choose a title for this thriller, we all came up with various names like "comeback", "the return" and a few others but we all chose one that out stood all of the others, so to conclude our short thriller opening we had a little bit of black screen before the title pops up.

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