Monday 23 March 2009


The Reunion

Our Thriller applies to the conventions of a normal thriller, for example the shot reverse between me and Chris. This was shown in the scene where I first entered the room and he gazed at me and I looked bemused. This is a common convention for communication in a thriller, more over narrative was shown not only through the shot reverse but also but also through a letter which explained the interview this addition help audience members understand the reason for Chris waiting in the holding room and gave sense to our thriller. Also we used the effect of black and white to indicate the past; this is where the bullying took place in the scene where there was black and white for the audience to understand that the bulling had taken place at school. This is a normal convention in many thrillers such as “once upon a time in America”.
However our thriller we did not go for the shocking theme as many thrillers do , for example many thrillers go for the shock effect such as Scarface, yet our we wanted to build the audiences suspense instead of a shock theme. This

The Reunion applies to people age 18 and below because of the fact that our thriller is based on the idea of how bullying could affect someone when they become older. The reason why we believe that the age 18 and below is suitable is because teenagers are commonly bulling or getting bullied, and it is fresh in younger people. This shows the impact of bulling and still affects people when they get older.

Moreover class and gender is not sufficient in our audience because people in every class and both male and female have witnessed or been bullied so it could be applied to any of them. Yet ideal audience members would be the people that bully other people so they can see their extent of what they are doing. More over if I could for an ideal audience member he would be at secondary school, age 14, lonely no friends and being bullied, this will help him understand that he is not alone.

The advertisement is key to any films success because the way you advertise your film is the way it will be perceived by the public. Moreover we there will be a surprise celebrity in our film so it could get more publicity as people do not care what the film is about rather they care about who is in it we will choose Will Smith to play the person getting bullied this is a publicity move so he can get a sympathy vote as he plays roles more often very brave and Manley, for example “I AM LEGEND”. The reason for choosing Will Smith is because he is one of the most well known actors in the world and is at his prime of his acting career.

We would advertise the thriller through trailers on YouTube as it is the biggest shared video site in the world and could give our film good coverage and publicity; this could profit the film by more people knowing about the film. We will attract audience by having billboards around main cities which we want our film to be viewed. Also we will advertise through McDonalds as they are supreme in their market for fast food with their support we can attract all ages and also with the support from them we could get promote McDonalds and in turn get some money from them.
I have learnt how to organise and make a storyboard which is an invaluable asset to making any film as it show you step by step what scene to film next, also filming with the camera is a difficult job for example you have to adjust the focus so that the picture is clear. Also we used the tripod so the camera is not tilting to one side and was fixed on a particular position. Moreover filming is challenging, we had a lot of faults with the camera for example sometimes we could not get the 180 shot as the camera on the tripod could not turn quick enough so we had to adapt to this and slow down our movements. Also final cut pro help us to cut and edit our thriller, we done this by dragging the clip we wanted to edit also we used effects such as Black and white to show the past.
The internet makes it able for me to blog what i have learnt in my lessons and talk about it from my perspective. More over Vimeo allows me to access and see my thriller on my own and make a judgemnt.

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