Tuesday 17 February 2009

Finishing Our Film

We had to come back on monday, to finish our editing. In this lesson we edited the interview scene the flashback and the lift scene. In addition we also filmed the numbers on the lifts for example lvl 1, lvl 2, to indicate the lift going up. We had many clips that needed editing such as we slowed down the clips to show more emotion, also we edited the flash back so we had one flash back which we had edited to black and white through effects, this gave the the flash back a past effect. Also from a 2 minute clip of the flsh back we had edited it to just 10-15 secounds. we had put the flash backs in 3 parts the first we had put me shaking the camera then it would go back to the interview, then the flash back would appear again and after the flashback would have me hitting Chris and we will see chris running to the lift then we will see last flashback of running away from where i had beaten up chris.

The lift scene was easy to do as we were familer with how to edit, yet we had forgotten to film the numbers on the lift, Chris filmed it as i pressed the lift for it to go to the lower ground floor and to go up to the 3 floor gradually so we could filmed all the floors. the lift scene consisted of me following Chris into the lift, and to show this through different angles.

The credits were done through the words, were we were able to choose the font the size and the writing style. We were able to move it and locate it were we wanted, the first credit was the producers, we located this in the interview scene.

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