Friday 27 February 2009

Post Production Phase 3

Today’s lesson was dedicated to the soundtrack with the film finished last lesson.I created the entire soundtrack whilst my group members sat and watched. This had no impact on me as I had my own ideas for the soundtrack, regardless of whether or not my colleagues attempted to contribute although they did not.

I tried numerous sounds that I thought would correspond effectively with the footage.

Overall, I believe the soundtrack was the easiest part of the postproduction process, having basic yet previous experience with the Soundtrack Pro software. Fortunately, I was able to complete the soundtrack and import it into Final Cut Pro.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Finishing Our Film

We had to come back on monday, to finish our editing. In this lesson we edited the interview scene the flashback and the lift scene. In addition we also filmed the numbers on the lifts for example lvl 1, lvl 2, to indicate the lift going up. We had many clips that needed editing such as we slowed down the clips to show more emotion, also we edited the flash back so we had one flash back which we had edited to black and white through effects, this gave the the flash back a past effect. Also from a 2 minute clip of the flsh back we had edited it to just 10-15 secounds. we had put the flash backs in 3 parts the first we had put me shaking the camera then it would go back to the interview, then the flash back would appear again and after the flashback would have me hitting Chris and we will see chris running to the lift then we will see last flashback of running away from where i had beaten up chris.

The lift scene was easy to do as we were familer with how to edit, yet we had forgotten to film the numbers on the lift, Chris filmed it as i pressed the lift for it to go to the lower ground floor and to go up to the 3 floor gradually so we could filmed all the floors. the lift scene consisted of me following Chris into the lift, and to show this through different angles.

The credits were done through the words, were we were able to choose the font the size and the writing style. We were able to move it and locate it were we wanted, the first credit was the producers, we located this in the interview scene.

Monday 16 February 2009

Post Production Phase 2

Unfortunately due to the earlier delay to editing, the group and me were forcedto work out of term time to edit our footage. This however was not a problem for me as I have been dedicated from the start of the project to make my thriller a success at all lengths.

This day was the most productive day since the commence of this project, although I did arrive late this had minimum impact as I still found myself doing most of the editing as my group members had not achieved much before my arrival.Whilst editing the flashback scene I suggested to my group that we should film the lift numbers, so that we could cut them in between the interviewee waiting for the lift.

My reason for suggesting this idea was that I thought it would add more of a variation to the clips that we already have and I thought that it would add more tension to the scene.Once we agreed, we decided that Ali and Chris should film this additional footage whilst I continued editing.

During the time, which Ali and Chris went to do the additional filming, I converted the flashback clips into black and white film. By doing so I think, I created an even clearer distinction between the flashback and the interview setting. I also believe that I made it able for the viewer to discriminate that the flashback is occurring during the interviewee’s school days.It was also my idea to integrate the interview scene between some of the flashback clips, as I wanted the flashback to appear as if, it is happening in the thoughts of the interviewee, whilst recognising that the interviewer is the ex–bully.

We later decided to have our credits in the film as a pose to at the end, as our thriller is the beginning of a film. In addition to this, our credits correspond with who did what in the production process.

So far, I have found completing the credits, the most difficult part of the postproduction, when using him image and wireframe functions. Although the demonstration I was given, my one of the technicians proved most useful.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

10th febuary Starting our editing

We started editing, here we labeled are clips so we can understand what clips are what and were they need to be used. After this we started cutting our clips, first we started from the intervierw scene where Chris is waiting for the interview and show his actions eg. him biting the pen, wiping the sweat from his head and shuffling papers. Moreover as some scene were not taken to our liking we had try different features such as dizzolve to show time passing yet this did not work. Also when i walk up to the door my leg moves which prevents a smooth cut as when pannning up me the camera went down then back up again. We had editied the interview scene yet the scene we have not is the bully scene and the lift scene. Moreover we were looking to finish on thursday, but we are able to come back on moday to finsh, also in the editing lesson i leared how to cut even more smoothly and how to use feature such as dissolve etc. I had more awearness of how to judge when we should cut, and how we should for example one idea i had put forward was that when chris sees me he should go to the flashback as his face looks surprised.

6th of febuary finishing our filming Fridays lesson

In this lesson we only needed about half an hour to complete filming, this consisted of filming the flash back, were i had to get changed into my school uniform and perform my bully scene. When filming the bully scene i had to do sevearal actions with my hands to show me intimidtion towards Chirs who was the person getting bullied. Also we filmed from the perspective of Chris, so i was close up to the camera to indicate my authority, and to show i have power over Chris. Moreover we done to type of shots one were the camera was looking up at me to show my higher status, another was on the same level as my face to indicate to the auidence that i am not scared. However we could not start editing as the camera did not work on the computer.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Post Production Phase 1

This session we began editing the footage that we had filmed previously. There is one particular clip in the film that I thought would look better if its speed was reduced.

Having no former knowledge of doing so, I asked one of the technicians in the media suite if they could show me how to reduce the speed on the clip. I now know that to do this you must: Firstly HIGHLIGHT the clipNext using the cursor, go to MODIFY on the tool barThen click on SPEED and insert a figure (in numerical form that will either increase or decrease the speed of the clip)

Friday 6 February 2009

Post Production Impediment

The group and I were unable to upload our footage this lesson, due to faulty video drives. This was particularly frustrating with the deadline rapidly approaching, and the time we had left to complete to edit all footage and produce a soundtrack dwindling.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Friday lesson

We had started filming our thriller which was ann exiting and difficult process. We were able to put all the things we practiced into the real film. We used many filming techniques such as zooming, 180 degree rule also match cut and many more, we were unable to finsh the filming in this lesson but we were going to finsh in the lesson on tuesday yert the weather had disabled our plans. However we only have one scene left which is the flashback of the person, which is essential in order for our thriller to make sense. Moreover our stroyboard gave us a major boost in filming the thriller as it helped us know which scenes we had to film and as it was with photoraph of the scenes instead of drawing this enabled us to understand who was who and where it was going to be filmed. Moreover as we had to change our idea many times because our first idea lack imagination as it was about a stalker, and the other idea was good yet it did not seem that we would enjoy making it, yet our last idea is simploe yet effective, as it has never been done. we hope to finish our thriller filming on fridays lesson and start editing.