Tuesday 16 December 2008

What Scares Us

  • Darkness, e.g. Shadows, dim lighting
  • Silence
  • High pitch sounds, e.g. String instruments, screams,
  • Good soundtrack
  • Quick cuts between scenes
  • Not seeing the killer or the monster, but the after effects
  • Reflections, seeing images in a mirror or window
  • Slow pace
  • Drones and forboding music
  • Bright lights
  • Pull focus

Let 'Em Play God

Aims at getting the audience on the edge of their seats
You have suspense when you let the audience play God
Plausible situations with people that are real
Unbelievable characters only produce surprise and you never get real suspense
important in a story with sinister implications to use counterpoint,great contrast between situation and background
Suspense involves contrast
Style in directing develops slowly and naturally as it does n everything else

media thriller clip

Monday 15 December 2008

Practice thriller

we made a thriller clip about a game of cards. we learnt how to use a video camera and the tri pod. Also

Friday 12 December 2008

Friday 5 December 2008

Read the extract “Let ‘Em Play God” and make notes on what you consider to be the most important points:

Getting the audience on the edge of their seats (MURDER)
Puzzling the audience is not the essence of suspense
Create a whodunit
Atmosphere that is loaded with evil makes for real suspense
Plausible situations that are real, when characters are unbelievable you never get real suspense, only surprise
Not necessary to see transoms opening, clutching fingers, hooded creatures and asps on the Chinese rug.
Doesn’t always have to have shadows, the weather dull, and stormy throughout, the moor mind swept, and creaky doors.
Use sinister implications to use counterpoint, great contrast between situations and background.
Don’t change your style in order to develop new characters and a different story in each film.
Style in directing slowly and naturally as it does in everything else
It must be the result of growth and patient experimentation with materials of the trade, the style itself emerging eventually almost unconsciously

“What scares us” with regards to film based on your watching of
The Shining:

Loud music
Sense of sharpness
Quick fire shots
Flashy things
Old naked people
Demented people